Wednesday, October 27, 2010

::random thoughts from a random mind::

CLEARLY, it's been months since I've been able to write anything.  Sometimes you just don't know what to write....or just how to write it.  There are just so many things right now that I cannot complain about.

Can I just say that the feeling of being over someone that consumes your entire thoughts is one of the most uplifting feelings ever?!  I'm just referring to men in general.  My friends know that I fall easy and that I am better staying away from the bad ones at all costs.  The petti-stuff always seems to consume my mind...which is why I am a true believer that woman fall for assholes.  I don't know WHY THE HELL we do, but I do think a majority of us think that we can "change them." 

After my last person of interest...I have found out a lot about myself.  I think it takes a lot of strikes (more than 3) until someone is officially out of my game.  But I hope that it doesn't take that many times again to realize that someone is not right for me. 

I come from a Christian family and meeting someone that is very involved with their church can be intriguing.  I fell for most would, and was also hurt many times by the same person.  He may or may not have known, because for some of us...just because we don't say or express how we feel doesn't necessarily mean that we don't feel it.  (This would be easier to write about, but I currently have Bonnie bothering me about her trip to LA....that will never happen).

I know he is a good person but he just may not be the right person for me.  I still think about him every day....even though he moved back home, but I know that I have to be strong just like every other girl has to and be proven that there IS someone else out there that is just as intriguing...and possibly better.

Thanks to Patti Stanger I have been able to be "happy" again with myself, because if you aren't happy with yourself then you will have a hard time making other people happy :)

Ok Ok....enough with the past...let's get on with the new!!!

Things have been going really good for me...except for school, but who cares about that.
After traveling to LA to visit some friends I feel like I've just come out of therapy or something...everything looks positive in my direction and I feel very happy right now.  I refuse to let the little things piss me off because there is so much to look forward to.  If all works out right I will be out of Lincoln, NE by August!!!!  Another thing is that I got the chance to do some photography for an aspiring actor while I was in LA and also did a photoshoot of my friends.  I don't know exactly what it is I want to do after graduation, but I really want to continue with my artistic abilities.  It's when I'm the happiest.  :)

My job seems to be going pretty well so far.  Family is on good terms.  So things are good...really good :)  I'm so thankful for the friends I have.  I am also thankful that I'm able to realize the important people in my life and am aware of the people who do nothing but create chaos and stress.  You don't really realize it until those people are gone!  I've been inspired by so many people lately and feel like something good is going to come out of all of this.  Hard work pays off, connections are a must, and doing what you love best makes for a loving person. 

I am truly inspired by one of my good friends, Josh.  He comes from a very driven family that is very close.  Josh has always been the type of person where (if it's in his way, he pushes it aside) because doing what's best for him in the longrun and looking out for his friends is what matters most.  He has a good heart, hard working, and listens...most men don't unfortunately LOL.  He always gets stuck with my excessive text messages, long phone calls for advice, irrelevant stories, and random antics.  I was lucky to meet him freshman year along with my other friends...and with a few ups and downs our friendship has become pretty strong.  Having a guy friend is totally different than having a girl as a friend, and even a boy friend.  I've never had someone like that in my life and my brother is nearly 13 years younger than me.  It's a good friendship that I wish everyone could have with someone.

As for Kelley....she is truly a one of a kind.  I met her through my neighbor freshman year of college. She was such a total bitch, but because she was so funny I played kiss ass to her because I knew we would be best friends.  I never get sick of her...although I bet she could say differently about me.  She always makes me laugh and it never gets old.

Oh and I just came up with the coolest idea for my next art has to do with braille!

That's all

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Runnin Rap

August 7 is the race
We'll be running half pace,
Thinkin' bout that shirt
and how we'll look in a miniskirt.

If I can get Kallyn's runnin' a go
She'll learn she won't need to smoke no mo!
Her lungs will start to crumble
and if she don't she fo so will a stumble!

We don't even know why we signed up
But we aint givn' up
These girls will be pantin' and a sweatin'
And NEVER AGAIN this we will be considerin'

We need more recruits
to help us have will in our runnin' suits
Anyone wanna join us?
Come on and jump on this runnin' bus!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Collaboration: What Men Should and Should NOT do {Written by Kallyn & Callie}

This last weekend I went out with a couple friends and one in particular was asking us to "hook him up" with someone. He was telling me that he wanted some advice about girls so I gave him some. I asked Kallyn to help me make a collaboration of some more. Asking some of the women we work with "What are some things that you think men should and shouldn't do," this is what we came up with.


1. Open doors for any and all girls, regardless if you are attracted to them or not. It shows respect and that you are caring. You never know who could be watching.

2. Give complements. A complement from a man is way different than a complement coming from another woman and you will instantly see her being flattered.

3. BE THE HUNTER! A guy who goes out of his way for a girl will definitely be remembered. She will think of you instead of all that other nonsense that she thinks about constantly. (Women are thinkers!)

4. Have a car and/or a job. It doesn't matter what you do or have just as long as you have one. STUDENTS ARE EXCEPTIONS! (when you are in college it's more acceptable) It just shows that you have the things you need and won't be dependent on anyone else. An independent man is attractive.

5. Personal Maintenence: Learn it, live it, love it. Women are known to have a stronger sense of smell than men. They will notice if you are stinky and will definitely notice if you smell nice ;)

6. Make eye contact. When you don't make eye contact it shows insecurity, nervousness, and that you aren't listening. Your confidence will make her confident.'s sexy.

7. LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN!!!! If she is talking too much that is one thing...cut her off, but when she is telling you something it's polite to pay attention to her and give feedback.

8. Be creative. Coming up with new things makes her think you are fun and adventurous. No one likes a broken record.

9. Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you tell her that you are going to do something that weekend then own up to it. You blow her off and she will never forget that. If it's a MAYBE, then make that clear and tell her that it isn't going to happen if you don't plan on it. No one likes waiting around.

10. Texting: We all know it's hard to tell the meaning behind what it said, but if you inititate it...FINISH IT!

11. Find a 100 reasons to buy her flowers. THAT is charming!

12. If you ask her out then you should pay for her. Even if she says "Oh I'll pay for myself" don't let her. Women like for men to be "In charge" at first. After you become more comfortable with eachother is when it's good to trade off.

13. If you are sorry then say it. Something with men about saying the words "I'm Sorry" means more than saying " bad." It means a lot!


1. Gift Cards. Major no no for the first 3 dates. Unless you mention that you have one ahead of time and that you need to use it, don't whip it out last minute (that's what she said) when the bill arrives! Terribly Tacky.

2. Don't be a creep monster. Too much too fast is far fetched and won't last.

3. If you are interested in her, don't talk about other women. She will end up thinking you have wandering eyes and a wandering mind.

4. Don't be rude to the server or leave her a skimpy tip. It's plainly embarrassing. Always 20%. It's the millenium Gentlemen.

5. Don't just drop the woman off. If you are classy you will walk her to her door after taking her home.

6. NO GAME ON THE FIRST DATE! If you stay reserved it shows you like her for who she is and not what she's "got."

7. Farting or burping is not allowed when you first meet them. Later on if they are open to it...ok fine. But the first time? TOO comfortable for her.

8. Don't be just the funny or hard-headed guy. Show emotions and that you have a real side to you.

9. Don't be just the sentimental guy. Show that you have some sort of sense of humor and make her laugh. Like number 8, mix it up!

10. Don't ONLY text message!!! A phone call is personal and hearing the other person's voice makes it easier to get your point across. Text messaging can ruin relationships by relaying the wrong message.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Things I think & Some Advice

1. I hate loofas. Why use the same washing thingy over and over when all it does is collect germs. USE A WASHCLOTH! I use a new one everytime I shower :)

2. I prefer gummy candy over chocolate

3. Whenever I say I'm not going to do something, I give in eventually. I think it's the thought of not being able to have it that kills me.

4. I don't understand the concept of designer Coach. They are ugly and have the same emblem on them repeatedly. Why would you want the same ugly, expensive, worthless purse as everyone else? They have cheaper and cuter ones that you can always replace when your mind changes

5. Pencils. I prefer mechanical ones over real ones. I always have to have a 'sharp tip' to get the best out of my note taking

6. Low cut shirts. I get it. You have it and some others don't. The way people act upon you is by first impressions. If you want to be noticed in a good way Ladies, tuck em' in! You will never find Mr. Right with your tatas hanging out. You will only find Mr. Temporary. If this is your way of seeking attention and feeling good about yourself,then I feel very sorry for you.

7. If you want something then you should go for it. Life will not be handed to you. AND dont talk about wanting something soooo bad and not go for it. It irritates me. I want to see people do what THEY want to do. Make your own choices.

8. Looks and Money are not everything! You can date the most attractive person with the best clothes and car, but be miserable that they don't make you laugh or just plainly annoy you. Materialism is fake, and so are the people that follow it. Be original and appreciate the natural things in life. Everyone has some sort of baggage so don't criticize people until you really get to know them.

9. Jagged nails. Your hands show the kind of person you are. Simple, well-kept, unruly, or hostile. Just look at someone's hands and you will see this. A person with jagged nails could be a secret messy person. A person with well kept nails could be a person who is well organized, clean, and caring. If they take care of themselves then they will take care of you. OVER CARE of themselves means they are far too into themselves to even want to care about out for the high-maintenence ones. Look at people's hands and see if it matches your analyzation. It's fun.

10. You cannot change people. People are the way they are. Yeah, they can learn lessons but they do things based on their insticts. You CAN change the way you react to their behavior and attitudes.

11. People who talk about working out...not a fan. If you are an athlete then that's great. It's not that we aren't proud of your accomplishments, but it gives off a sense or arrogance, even if you don't mean to. BUT there is a difference between discussing how you are doing and just excessively talking about it. Advice is good, but comparing yourself to others in an arrogant way is not.

12. Something about a man with good teeth gets me. For some it's the butt, the arms, the chest, the piercings. For me it's the dark hair and nice teeth. Same kind of guys I've always went for. My first boyfriend had dark hair and nice teeth. It's not that I don't like blonds, but I've just always prefered dark hair, something about them seeming more masculine I guess.

13. Negativity is so unattractive. I'm guilty of it too. I've found myself saying mean things about people and later think to myself "why would I say that?" It's natural to be attracted to positive people and to have negative conversations based on sameness. But most positives will make you feel good. Now be the same because no one likes a Negative Nancy. I, myself, am working on this.

14. Intelligence. Use your brain to show your inner beauty to hold them.

15. Have a heart. If you are willing to ask, then you should be more than willing to give.

16. Make the best of what you got! Everyone has something unique about themselves, but some just don't use it to it's full potential. If you can sing, sing your heart out for all to hear. If you can paint, then paint. If you are funny, make people laugh. Use the gifts that God gave you in life. You will be remembered by them.

17. Smile More :):):) A smile shows that you are happy, which can make others happy.

18. Take chances. Tell that special someone that you love them, take that trip you've always wanted to take, say what's on your mind, if you want something then say it or do it! Life is full of choices and when you open that door to having more choices it makes you stronger and makes life more exciting :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Faith Lives On!

Have you ever doubted where or how we came about into this world and how things happen? I do ALL the time. Finding myself in heated debates with local friends and families, I can always find a way to contradict the reasons to why there ISN'T a God. To answer my questions, I ask questions and research things in my spare time. Wanna hear of a couple good and way-off things that make me question my faith ever? Here they are:

1. Oddly, my roommate and I got on topic about gay marriage. Actually, it really isn't THAT odd because it is something that is more and more serious every day. I have a cousin who was born male, but has always believed that he was meant to be female. He dresses as a girl and does everything the typical girl does. My family was Catholic before, but the Church refused to accept of his ways and denied my family. They had to switch to First Congregational, a church that I have grown up with that accepts differentiality.

Onto the debate part...I randomly asked the question "If God does not accept gay people then why do males have a G-spot in their (you-know)?" Is there a reason why males have a sexual place there and women don't? It boiled down to the human anatomy and I asked everyone I knew. Some people thought I was nuts and sick in the head for even wondering something like that, but it makes you wonder that 'If God doesn't want men to be with other men, then why would he give them a spot to be pleasurable with other men? After researching with my coworker we found out that women do too. So, that put a rest to that thought.

2. There are other things that I don't find very fallible when it comes to religion. For some reason, I have this friend that is not religious at all. Yeah, he does good, but he doesn't ever talk about God and how he is ever "thankful" for the path that God has given him. He says "Count your Blessings" and that he has the life because HE made it that way. I get it....but life is not that hard for him. NO JOKE. All his friends go through things and life is seriously a breeze for this kid. He has it really good and he knows it. Why would God give such an easy life for someone who isn't even a believer?

3. Is religion just something to keep the world at peace? If we didn't have religion then our world would be chaotic. It could possibly be a way for people to just enjoy life and to not be so afraid of death. People have to be told that they are going somewhere afterwards so they don't freak out. It's a comforting matter. We will never know.

There are so many things that have made me question my faith, but I can't necessarily think of all of them right now. At my time in life, it's a constant question..."Religion or Science?" Which is more right? I usually have to see something to believe it and don't understand why God can't just give people like us in this day and age a sign that he IS here?! If God gave all these signs and such way back when, then why is it such a problem to do so now?

This is where I am getting at...Yesterday was a total turnaround for me. There are some people that believe in signs, and some that believe that signs are just a way to make people feel more at ease. Kind of like having something to fall back on. I used to believe in signs....I would see them everyday! It was always when I was LEAST expecting them. I would think "is this supposed to mean what I think it is?" Until these signs drove me into a phychological mess. Not kidding. I would end up thinking "This is supposed to happen and why hasn't it yet?" After that I blew up and decided that I don't believe in signs anymore. It was a very depressing time in my life and I NEVER want to go back to that anymore. I now beleive everything is mental. You can control ANYTHING you want with your mind. You just have to know how to work it.

Yesterday was a totally different thing for me though. My grandpa had brain surgery and there was a good chance that he would not survive. He had a brain tumor under his brain and it took the doctors nearly 10 hours to get the whole procedure done. Oddly there were no complications what so ever. I call this a miracle. He is already walking and talking today and I can't believe it! This miracle has made me more faithful to God than ever.

My grandpa was not a Christian when he first met my grandmother. He later thought that he wanted to expand his relationship with my grandma and become closer to God. Becoming a Southern Baptist preacher at my church growing up, he taught me all I know about the Lord. My grandpa is the best description of a Man that I can think of. He has always been such a gentleman, taking care of our whole family, and living his life for God everyday. My family is very religious on my mom's side, and because they were so religious it made me want to find a way to prove them wrong.

Going to college you learn new things and it opens your mind to all these theories and stories. But the truth is that you have to be faithful. I'm not one to try and convince someone to be a Christian, but until after my grandfather's sugery I always doubted my religion. I feel like God was with my grandpa during his surgery and my grandpa knew it the whole time. That surgery is a very dangerous one, but since my grandpa has been a good and faithful christian, God made it easy for him. It was hard for other faimilies to see my ENTIRE family being in the waiting room and constantly hearing good news when some were accompanied by flat-liners. Disturbing, as my sister described it, but you could feel the presesnce of God is how most would describe.

A few little side stories that I think are pretty interesting that lead up to my grandpas surgery:

*A large colorful tucan-like bird flew into my grandparent's yard just a couple days before his surgery. They had to call some animal control thing to get it down. The bird liked my grandpa and sat perched on his arm. My grandpa LOVES birds and likes to go bird watching when it's nice out. They found out that the owners of the bird lived two houses down from them. The woman just so happened to be one of the nurses who worked at the hospital that my grandpa's surgery was at.

*Originally my grandpa had seen a surgeon who was moving to Oregon to continue his practice. The surgeon gave the name of another doctor who my grandpa would be working with. After a while, my grandpa received a phone call from the hospital saying that the orignal surgeon that's moving would like to see him again...7:30 am sharp. My granparents went to the hospital to see him and the surgeon looked confused. He said "what are you doing here Dennis?" My grandpa said "I was told to meet with you." The surgeon said that he had no recollection of saying anything like that, but they carried on in conversation. My grandpa told him "I am not afraid of death. I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ and I feel like everything will be OK. God is telling me that it is going to be OK." The surgeon went on and told my grandpa how is was born a Muslim and then switched over to Christianity. He prays everytime before his surgeries and even said a prayer for my grandpa. It's just kinda cool how things happen :)

What I am saying is that I grew up as a believer. You go through your phases of questioning things and wondering if you are wasting your time. Everyone has a different outlook on things in life and after all this wondering I was presented with a miracle. My question to God was answered. He gave me the sign that I have been asking for and he used my Grandpa to show it. I will no longer doubt God and live life by loving him and thanking him.

Count Your Blessings!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lady Lynn

Check out my new fan page full of my photography and paintings on Facebook! It's entitled "Lady Lynn" :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

It Just Keeps Getting Better!

This weekend was seriously one of the BEST weekends I have had in a long time! The thing that makes it the best is that everything was last minute and random :)

Friday night my roommate and I found ourselves in a cigar bar. Never have been to one, and would have normally thought that I would be sitting in a hot ashtray-like bar filled of smoke and sweaty men. It was actually pretty decent and everyone there is so chill. We met a friend there after he had told me that him and a buddy needed an entourage. That was only the beginning to a good night.

Next we decided to go to a different bar, until we randomly decided to go to this Hole-in-the-wall white trash bar called the Beacon instead. My roommate may have not enjoyed herself as much as she would have at a frat bar, but I think the shittier the better! I had an awesome time and it was so nice to catch up with someone that I haven't seen since last October. Rekindled friendships are good...especially when you feel completely at ease when you see them again. It was great to be around people who could totally care less what the hell you do or say and just let loose. I was pulled out on the dancefloor to dance with him, but he surely showed my ass up. Guess my daddy didn't teach me ALL the moves when it comes to country dancin! Virgo-Boy (the new friend that has the same birthday as me...ironic) was accompanied by an ink-toothed crack head in a puuurrrrdddyyy red dress. Lady in Red she was! The night had to end but that was just for Friday night.

Saturday night I decided to take this girl that I have been tutoring out to dinner for some REAL American food. She is Korean and has always wanted to go to Famous Daves. I gathered along some friends and we all headed to the South side of town for some good fixins! It was a blast...we were all laughing about the most ridiculous stuff and My Tutoree had a good time too. She has only been in the U.S. for 2 months and her English is better than I thought. I was originally supposed to help her with speaking for her test coming up, but we have found ourselves just meeting up to talk about normal every-day life things. This tutoring thing developed into a friendship and it feels good to help someone understand her surroundings. I always tell her "I DON'T WANT YOUR MONEY!" So whenever we meet up on campus it's just fun to talk.

Later that night my good friends and I went to a country bar called Uncle Ron's. Now, this is no ordinary bar...this litterally will make you feel like you are on vacation in the heart of the promise land with cowboys and cowgirls who just got done bailin' hay and are ready for some two-steppin'! None of my friends know how to country dance, but the 10 of us or so were watching others and some had random dance partners. Rangin from old men to switchin off between eachother, everyone danced with eachother. Boy did we look like a bunch of hooligans out there, but it was something we have never done before and it felt good. CHANGE IS GOOD!

Oh, one thing that I find very comical: My one roommate had her eye on this cowboy all night. He was wearing a pink button-up and tight ass wrangler jeans. My other roommate showed up near the end and sure enough the cowboy asked the late-comer to dance. The eye-baller was furious and said "I'm not gunna let that ruin my night!" lol We all know she was pissed.

Finally for Sunday...It was one of my best friend's baby showers today. I drove back home to Iowa to see her and give her her gifts. It was sooooo good to see everyone, especially since she is 7 months pregnant and I haven't even seen her since before! It's crazy how people look so different when they are pregnant. Almost like an entire different person!

This weekend was well worth it. I wish things like this could happen more often :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Top Five Most Embarrassing Moments

Everyone has weird, crazy, embarrassing things happen to them in their lifetime. Mine are a little different. Wanna know? Here they are:

1. The Pissing Shoe: I'm luckily an open-minded person and rarely get shy to tell horrible things about myself AND I finally came out about this to my friend last year.

I know that almost everyone has had a peeing-incident in sometime of their college drinking life. Mine? Well, my friends and I went our drinking one night and got completely hammered. I woke up the next morning on his futon with no pants on and totally worried. It was completely abandoned land country down there. I'm still laying there and he comes in to get ready for church. Picks up his shoes and dumps out a puddle of something...smells his shoe and yells "Someone pissed in my shoe!!!!!" These weren't just ANY shoes, these were his favorite shoes....:) I totally denied it for so long because I dont' ever remember doing it! It had to be me though. I was the only one sleeping in his room and inhilated. He made me wash them for him. I was so embarrassed but now we laugh about it.

2. The Forgotten Formal: Freshman year of college, my friends and I decided to attend a formal that was held by our residential hall. We headed over to the other residential hall and started throwing back tequila shots, one right after the other. (girls with insecurities can make themselves more confident when intoxicated!) Well, it was time to head for the limo. Next thing I know, I woke up on my friend's couch. "Uhh...what the hell happened last night?!" I was so scared to hear what all happened. Apparently I had done everything wrong in sight. Wore a dress with no underwear and decided to lay on my back and flail my legs in the air...exposing EVERYTHING! Trying to ride elevators at the Champions club in front of cops and repeatedly doing it after they kept telling me know. I don't remember what else my friend told me during my rehab session of three hours, but I never allowed myself to drown my insecurities with alcohol ever again.

3. The Panty Pull-Over: Every girl, in sometime decides to take off their underwear and hide it in their car. Why? I can't remember for sure the reason, but I can probably assume that it was bc I went to work out and then go tanning. I refuse to put back on my workout clothes after I tan, so I usually go comando afterwards. Anywho...I get pulled over one day for running a stop light and the cop comes to my window. The traditional "Can I see your license and registration please?" I reach for the glove box and there they underwear. This wasn't any ordinary cop, this was a guy I had a crush on my freshman year of college that decided to join the police force upon graduation. There was no warning...for me there is NEVER a warning. A solid $125.00 ticket and the fear of seeing him again.

4. Jumpin' JaHOOSaFAT: Drunk...yes I was. Decided to do a side/body-slam/jump on my roommates California King bed. It is like the Cadillac of all beds. Instantly, I tanked it and it plummeted to the ground. The sound was nearly equivalent to a sonic boom

5. The Treadmill: Many of my followers already know this story, but it's so unreal of how real it really is. Allow me to set the scene:

I was having one of the worst days of my life and decided that I would go run off some stress at the rec center. Let me tell you that the rec center has a balcony with a row of treadmills lined so everyone in the entrance can see them. That is exactly where I was. So I was running...bumped the speed up a little because the music was intense and it felt good...then I bumped it up again until I found myself sprinting at a speed that I have never ran before in my life! Before I even had a chance to think I slipped. Grabbing the handlebars in front of me, I am dangling from the treadmill...legs dangling as I am trying to catch myself back up. Why didn't I just let go? WHO FRIGGIN' KNOWS! So then it happened, the treadmill caught the bottom of my yoga pants and ripped them right off of me. I believe my dignity was ripped from me as well at that time. I finally let go and my ass hit the wall. I still don't know why any of the people running beside me didn't push the STOP button.

The guy next to me finally got off the treadmill and asked if I was OK..."Yeah, I just can't believe that really happened to me."

"Oh, that kind of stuff happens to me all the time," he said.

"You don't have to lie," I replied. "THAT happens to NO ONE!"

Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's that time....that I thought I'd never face

Thinking that I would live this long young life forever is starting to fade away pretty quickly. I thought that I would never get over this party scene and want to stay in college for the rest of my life. When I was younger, I wanted to skip highschool and move straight to questions asked. The thought of going to a place where you can start fresh and find new people who have never known you in your life to accept you for what they see at that moment was a rush for me.

I think it all hit me last night when I went out with my two roommates. I've been picking up on signs of change from me earlier this week, but now it's all starting to come into play. I'm a HUGE lover for change and like to do random and sparatic things in my life. But, I have also found myself to avoid situations. I used to love going to Wal Mart and Target to get things for the house, and now it almost seems like a hassel and that I want to avoid large crowds at all posssible. So what do I do? I head to the Super Saver off of Cornhusker because I know I won't see anyone I know and can have the ease of getting my things and leaving. Never thought that I would enjoy my alone time as much as I do.

Another thing...I don't know if it's because of my new job that I have taken up, but I just can't last the whole night like I used to a year ago! (Not a 'that's what she said joke) I'm always the first to pass out and peace out on everyone. Why is that? I honestly don't care anymore. I used to have the feeling of "what if I miss out on something" and my mentality now is that "I just want to graduate and move on!" It's a new stepping stone in my life and I think that it's just one of those things you end up finding out about yourself.

The other thing...I went to dinner earlier this week with a couple friends and one happend to be in town for business. Yep, business. She is married now and has a baby and is also the same age as me. It's just so crazy to see how people change so fast! She was telling us how she is in bed by 10 pm every night and never goes out anymore. I found myself being really jealous for some reason. I should be thankful that I am able to "live it up" while I still can and have fun in the moment. It's just weird to see that someone who had to put off college early for their love life looks and seems happier than us who are still in college. I would usually think that I was the lucky one, but that one threw me for a loop. It's weird how your mind changes over time.

I'd say probably back in December I made a decison to sware off men for awhile. No, that does not mean that I went lesbo on everyone, but it was a time where I did not think, speak, or make any of my daily routines around men in any sort. I focused on my photography, painting, running, and doing things for myself. It was probably one of the best things I have ever done and I highly recommend it to anyone who needs a break. I used to have the fear of being alone for the rest of my life! It's completely normal for any woman my age to think that their biological clock is ticking. You see all your friends getting married, having babies, long term relationships, and being with others that make them happy. I was sick of seeing it and litterally thought that if I cannot be happy with myself, then I will never be able to make anyone else happy. That's why I did what I did and I feel like it put me in a good place in life. I am thankful, now, that I don't have what those others have because there is nothing to hold me back from fulfilling my dreams that I have always planned for myself. There is always time to look or try something with someone.

Enough with my social venting. I need to study for my two tests that I have Monday, which means no partying for this girl tonight!

XOXO Callie

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Blue Mole Buffoon

A lady of blue that I forgot to mention decided to share her presence with us today, this could possibly be because God thought she deserved to have a whole entire blog dedicated to her. And she will. Allow me to set the scene:

My head is down, looking at the checks that I am entering into the computer so I can balance my drawer. In my own state of mind, with nothing to keep me from doing anything any different than I am at that time, I hear a "HUUUUHHHHHH?!!!" I knew it. I instantly looked up and to my right there she was. The lady in the long, down-feathered baby blue coat with messy boy cut hair as white as snow is standing in front of the other teller stand. I don't say anything, because if I do then I will interrupt her outlandish conversation with the other teller. She has her cane in hand and is swinging it around trying to point at the smart car that we have displayed in our lobby.

"WHAT'S THAT??!!!" She yells. She always yells.

"It's a smart car...if you stand next to it, it will make you smart!" says the other teller.



The other teller carries on conversation with her, asking her random questions just so we can hear what she says next. "What if you get raped when you go out there? You don't want to go to L.A. on your own do you?"

"RAPED? RAPED? WHEN? BY WHO? RAPED?" I could have sworn she almost sounded interest in the idea of being raped.

The conversation carried on, but I can't possibly remember all the things this woman has to say. The most memorable thing about this woman is her tear drop of snot that dangles from the end of her nose everytime she approaches my desk. She's very graceful when her 7" tongue can reach out of the side of her mouth to lick the hairy mole that lies right above her chin, displaying the one tooth she has left.

She is another one of the ladies that comes in often. I'll refer to her as the Blue Mole Baffoon.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Here Is My Intro

Hi! Im Callie (virtual handshake). It's nice to meet you if I already haven't and welcome to my blogging page :)

I would like to forwarn you that this is simply about my daily thoughts, vows, feelings, wrong doings, right doings, and any other things that involve activity in my life. Oh...and this is the uncensored version of me. So, don't ask me to delete, revise, or reword things...because this is not facebook and this is the side of me that some don't normally see :)

I am a virgo, which CLEARLY explains a lot. Hard headed, knowlegeable, likes to think about things, creative, and to-the-point (meaning I say it with no soft edges). I'm an artist. Usually I don't say that, but I guess I am in some ways. Painting, photography, designing...the shabang.

Anyways, enough about the get-to-know-me stuff and on to the analytical things.

I started working at a bank recently and finally retired from the serving world of hatred and stress. Sad that I had to leave Emily behind...but this Bandit had to move on. I will probably write a lot about my job, only because I have some of the funniest stories about the people that come in there. How about I tell you a few.

It's near the heart of Lincoln, where all the crazies and weirdos like to roam like it's zombie land or something. Each one of the "regulars" has a code name.

Lady of the First: This lady comes in the first of the month. Typically around 8:15 I will be setting up camp at my desk and will see her outside...patiently waiting for us to open the doors. The walls are made of glass, so I can see her peeking through with her hands cupped around her face to narrow in. Always wearing her purple knitted stocking cap, plush down coat that looks like it has been worn for many years, and a quick turn of her head every few seconds to notice every little detail that goes on at one minute. The doors open and she immediately busts in the doors. What does she do? Withdraws every bit of money that she has in her account except for $5.30. Takes my name tag on my desk and shoves it in my face. "I know a dog named Callie." Like I haven't heard that one before.

White Out Lady: This lady comes in almost every day. Always wears something to where people can comment on her attire. Ranging from wigs, distinct hot pink blush and 2cm thick eyeliner, she has to be one of my favorites. Sipping coffee and sitting in the lobby, she stares at her pinky nail for nearly 20 minutes straight everyday. Yesterday she started laughing because it was getting really long.

Lady with the Walker that has no Tennis Balls: Alright...this one has to be the most comical of them all. Pulling up to the store in her boat of a wagon-mobile, she is stuck behind a UPS truck. Little does she know that there are two parking meters open in front of the main doors and that the truck is unloading to many businesses in the area. After being stuck behind the UPS man for 15 min, she decides to come inside. The loud noise of screeching sounds is caused from her walker. She is the only person in this world that I know of that has a walker with no tennis balls on the end of the legs. Walking slowly with her greased-lightening hair style and bright red lipstick, she heads to see her favorite person...the only man behind the teller line. As he dreads her every time she enters those glass doors, he manages to tell her he is married so she could possibly stop asking him to go to coffee or dinner. Oh and the best part? She smells like she peed herself and laid in the sun for hours so it could ferment on her skin.

Lens-less Glasses: My first day of working at my new job I waited on this lady. She is crazy...plainly said. Glasses with no lenses, talking about how women sleep their way to the top, and how her friend from the psych ward jumped off a building because he though he could fly like a bird. The whole time I am trying to take care of her transactions, she is trying to tell me of all the insane things that have happened to her in her life...repeatedly saying "Ya know?!"

The Paranoid: The only thing this lady does....if she ever comes continuously asks me if her money is OK. "Yes, ma'am your money is insured by the FDIC also so if anything WERE to happen you would still be able to get a majority of your money back." Her response "So, no one's gunna take my money then huh?" I stare at her.

These are just the ladies of my work. There are a few men, but I don't feel like explaining them at this moment. I have an eventful day to look forward to tomorrow!