Thursday, May 20, 2010

Things I think & Some Advice

1. I hate loofas. Why use the same washing thingy over and over when all it does is collect germs. USE A WASHCLOTH! I use a new one everytime I shower :)

2. I prefer gummy candy over chocolate

3. Whenever I say I'm not going to do something, I give in eventually. I think it's the thought of not being able to have it that kills me.

4. I don't understand the concept of designer Coach. They are ugly and have the same emblem on them repeatedly. Why would you want the same ugly, expensive, worthless purse as everyone else? They have cheaper and cuter ones that you can always replace when your mind changes

5. Pencils. I prefer mechanical ones over real ones. I always have to have a 'sharp tip' to get the best out of my note taking

6. Low cut shirts. I get it. You have it and some others don't. The way people act upon you is by first impressions. If you want to be noticed in a good way Ladies, tuck em' in! You will never find Mr. Right with your tatas hanging out. You will only find Mr. Temporary. If this is your way of seeking attention and feeling good about yourself,then I feel very sorry for you.

7. If you want something then you should go for it. Life will not be handed to you. AND dont talk about wanting something soooo bad and not go for it. It irritates me. I want to see people do what THEY want to do. Make your own choices.

8. Looks and Money are not everything! You can date the most attractive person with the best clothes and car, but be miserable that they don't make you laugh or just plainly annoy you. Materialism is fake, and so are the people that follow it. Be original and appreciate the natural things in life. Everyone has some sort of baggage so don't criticize people until you really get to know them.

9. Jagged nails. Your hands show the kind of person you are. Simple, well-kept, unruly, or hostile. Just look at someone's hands and you will see this. A person with jagged nails could be a secret messy person. A person with well kept nails could be a person who is well organized, clean, and caring. If they take care of themselves then they will take care of you. OVER CARE of themselves means they are far too into themselves to even want to care about out for the high-maintenence ones. Look at people's hands and see if it matches your analyzation. It's fun.

10. You cannot change people. People are the way they are. Yeah, they can learn lessons but they do things based on their insticts. You CAN change the way you react to their behavior and attitudes.

11. People who talk about working out...not a fan. If you are an athlete then that's great. It's not that we aren't proud of your accomplishments, but it gives off a sense or arrogance, even if you don't mean to. BUT there is a difference between discussing how you are doing and just excessively talking about it. Advice is good, but comparing yourself to others in an arrogant way is not.

12. Something about a man with good teeth gets me. For some it's the butt, the arms, the chest, the piercings. For me it's the dark hair and nice teeth. Same kind of guys I've always went for. My first boyfriend had dark hair and nice teeth. It's not that I don't like blonds, but I've just always prefered dark hair, something about them seeming more masculine I guess.

13. Negativity is so unattractive. I'm guilty of it too. I've found myself saying mean things about people and later think to myself "why would I say that?" It's natural to be attracted to positive people and to have negative conversations based on sameness. But most positives will make you feel good. Now be the same because no one likes a Negative Nancy. I, myself, am working on this.

14. Intelligence. Use your brain to show your inner beauty to hold them.

15. Have a heart. If you are willing to ask, then you should be more than willing to give.

16. Make the best of what you got! Everyone has something unique about themselves, but some just don't use it to it's full potential. If you can sing, sing your heart out for all to hear. If you can paint, then paint. If you are funny, make people laugh. Use the gifts that God gave you in life. You will be remembered by them.

17. Smile More :):):) A smile shows that you are happy, which can make others happy.

18. Take chances. Tell that special someone that you love them, take that trip you've always wanted to take, say what's on your mind, if you want something then say it or do it! Life is full of choices and when you open that door to having more choices it makes you stronger and makes life more exciting :)

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